"But the land which you cross over to possess is a land of hills and valleys, which drinks water from the rain of heaven, a land for which the LORD your God cares..." (Deuteronomy 11:11-12)New Zealand is a photographer's paradise. Here are eight reasons why I fell in love with the country...

The view of
Wellington from the peak of Mt. Victoria. We braved a wind that would put Chicago's wind to shame in order to shoot this picture.

"Stop, Rowan!" He didn't always comply, but this time he pulled over, so that we could shoot our first snow-capped mountain.

We heard fantastic stories about the
Peninsula Seal Colony, but the lady at the Kaikoura Information Centre warned us that the seals came and went as they pleased. Only one seal pleased to grace us with his presence that day... and he got plenty of attention.
Sunrise over Christchurch. We crawled out of bed at what some might call a godly hour for our destination: Godley Head. As the road narrowed and wound around the hills, we prayed we wouldn't run into any oncoming traffic... but we forgot to mention livestock. A certain cow around a certain bend made sure all of us-- especially our driver-- were awake.
Cathedral Square, Christchurch. Cathedral Square was not just a place of worship, it was a community-- for coffee addicts (Starbucks was just across the square), chess players, children, adults, and tourists alike. By 9:30, half a dozen men had already gathered around to watch and comment on the ongoing chess game.
Marton. One of millions of sheep in New Zealand. This one resided in the field by the Arahina Training Centre.
Huka Falls, Taupo. What stood out to me was the power of the rapids and the startling clarity of the water. Got to love that shade of blue and green.
The New Zealand Experience Team at
Doubtful Sound (minus Rowan who didn't trust anyone else to take this picture). As Rowan's assistant, one of my jobs included arranging meals. Thankfully, this team didn't mind being guinea pigs.
Thanks to all who prayed for me. If I could recount all of my stories, you'd know that Someone heard... and answered!
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Soul Lemonade, No. 7
Taipei, Taiwan