"The heaves declare the glory of God..." (Psalm 19:1)"What time is it?"
"Are you serious? It feels like 11:00!"
Friday night, I found myself joining some friends and teachers for a picnic at Li Yu Lake in Hualien. It was firefly season, and the government had blocked off a section of the road, so tourists could behold fireflies in all their glory.
I laughed. We who grew up with fireflies in our backyard would never hold a month-long "Firefly Festival." As my friends and I rode through town, our driver Daniel pointed out banners which heralded firefly season. He told us that fireflies have a very short life span. They come out specifically to find a mate, reproduce, and die—all within the space of seven to ten days.
That made me think. I couldn't help but wonder why God bothered to create fireflies. They were of no apparent benefit to mankind, except perhaps to the businesses who profited off the festival.
After another round of hot pot and tea, the teachers finally started packing up their picnic gear. That was when I overheard the auntie say, "We'll take you to Red Roof Village to have a look around."
What? It was already 10:30 and another hour's drive back. We were going to make another
stop?We followed the caravan up a narrow tree-lined road that wound up the mountain. I was looking for red roofs, when the cars in front of us stopped suddenly. Why were we stopping in the middle of nowhere? Someone climbed out and motioned for us to turn off our headlights.
I climbed out like everyone else, and the fun began. I watched in amusement as pinpoints of light appeared along the side of the road.
Fireflies! So this is why we came. The teachers shouted gleefully as they collected fireflies in water bottles and bags in hopes of cultivating their own firefly colony back home. Our friend Shu-Ling gathered her niece and nephew and said, "Look! Stars of the earth!"
Stars of the earth. I looked up through the canopy of trees to the velvet sky above, where the stars declared the glory of God. Fireflies danced around us.
All of a sudden, I knew the answer to my question. Why did God create fireflies? Aside from scientific reasons, He made them simply for His glory and our pleasure. Shame crept into my heart as I began to realize how the non-Christian teachers enjoyed His creation more than I.
It was late when we arrived back in Xincheng, but that was OK. I had learned more about my Creator through the stars of the earth.
Soul Lemonade, No. 17
Taipei, Taiwan